In the next step, you can save the digital ticket as an online ticket (PDF) on your mobile device or load it into the DB Navigator app as a mobile phone ticket. You will receive the digital ticket as a PDF file after booking and additionally by e-mail. After the "Rüngsi", the Römerbad, the Hardtbergbad, the Melbbad and the Freibad Friesdorf will open from 30 May 2020. Bitte zeigen Sie an der Kasse einen Ausdruck oder das Online-Ticket im Original auf Ihrem Smartphone vor (bitte keine Screenshots). Online-Tickets. Über diese Online-Buchung erfüllt die Stadt Bonn gleichzeitig die Vorgabe des Landes, die Kundenkontaktdaten zu dokumentieren, um die Kontaktpersonennachverfolgung zu ermöglichen.

Get your tickets for the world's most inspiring winter sporting event and experience the excitement live in Korea. The Federal city of Bonn (German pronunciation: () Latin: Bonna) is a city on the banks of the Rhine in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, with a population of over 300,000.About 24 km (15 mi) south-southeast of Cologne, Bonn is in the southernmost part of the Rhine-Ruhr region, Germany's largest metropolitan area, with over 11 million inhabitants. For Friday, 22 May 2020, 1,150 tickets have been booked and paid for online as of 12 noon. Montags bis donnerstags von 8 bis 16 Uhr und freitags von 8 bis 13 Uhr sind die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter im Sport- und Bäderamt erreichbar und übernehmen die Buchung. The city administration is currently working on a solution for further booking options, for example for people who cannot book online. Unter der Rufnummer 0228 7760800 können Badegäste, die nicht selbst online Karten buchen können, per Telefon Tickets für die Freibäder reservieren. Bonn On Thursday, the Panoramabad Rüngsdorf will be the first of Bonn's outdoor swimming pools to open, but with numerous restrictions due to the Corona pandemic. Tickets für Bonn-Ausweis/MobilPass Zeige Untermenüpunkte von Tickets für Bonn-Ausweis/MobilPass Pilotprojekt_MonatsTicket_MobilPass_im_Abo Tickets für regelmäßige Fahrten Find out where to buy a ticket in your country. As of Monday, May 25, 2020, the Health Department of the City of Bonn lists 26 people who are acutely ill with Covid-19 (1 less than the day before). Official list of authorised ticket resellers (ATRs) for the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Paralympic Games (9-18 Mar). Since February 29, a total of 718 persons have tested positive for the coronavirus (1 more than the day before). Tickets | 13/07/2015 Tickets for the 2015/16 season Tickets | 22/06/2015 Digital tickets are tickets you book online that you can use digitally.

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