At the Potsdam House of the US Military Liaison Mission to the Commander-in-Chief of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, a separate room dedicated to Torgau was the focus of these annual events. Memorabilia of the event covered the walls, including photographs of … Torgau, Germany. April 25, 1945. —National Archives and Records Administration, College Park. 9 1945 4 25 A1 WW2 Red Army and US Soldiers Torgau 45 Second World War 1939 45 End of war Advanced units of the 1st US Army and; 25 April 1985, Saxony, Torgau: Young pioneer at the memorial - The 40th anniversary of the meeting at the Elbe River in Torgau by Soviet and American troops is celebrated on April 25, 1985. Soviet and American troops meet at Torgau, Germany. The purpose of Torgau 2004 is to enhance military-to-military working relationships and to promote better understanding of U. S. and Russian capabilities. US Army And Red Army in Torgau Elbbrucke 26 April 1945 « Next photo The Fall of Germany 1944 – 1945 image 11 of 200 Previous photo » Published at 858 × 678 px. Elbe Day, April 25, 1945, is the day Soviet and American troops met at the River Elbe, near Torgau in Germany. When the Soviet 5th Guards Army commanded by General Alexey Zhadov and the U.S. First Army of General Courtney Hodges met on the Elbe, they effectively cut … Torgau. 25th Apr, 2015. 'Torgau' Exercise Gives U.S. Army Europe Soldiers Unique Opportunity to Build Relationship. During the 'Elbe Day', Torgau celebrates the 70th anniversary of the meeting between Soviet and US army units toward the end of … When East met West at Torgau in 1945 As the Allied Armies advanced across Nazi Germany, with the Soviets coming from the East and the British and Americans coming in from the West, it was only a matter of time before their soldiers met on the battlefield. By Spc. Joseph McAtee, U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs Office December 14, … Russian and US First Army soldiers, carrying their respective flags, advance together following their historic link-up at the Elbe River, east of Torgau, Germany. Two men reenact a historic meeting between Soviet and US soldiers toward the end of World War II near Torgau, Germany, 25 April 2015.

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